My work "Long odds" focusses on the topic of climate ignorance and how the covid crisis made me realise how humans seem to define "urgency". Coming from Germany, an "economically strong nation" it was shocking to see how people at the beginning of the pandemic seemed oblivious to the fact that they could be affected by the crisis. In their minds it was something that would only happen in "third world countries". Once they realised that their own health and of their loved ones was at risk, they started caring. I wanted to play wit this thought of Ignorance and the effects climate change already has or will have on our bodies in the future. With covid we "only" had to wear a face mask , but what if someday our whole body stands at risk. I wanted to show how our daily life could look like. I like taking sarcastic approaches because sarcasm is its own language, which not everybody is able to recognise- the same way not everybody seems to recognise the urgency of climate change.

My work was part of an collective exhibition "New Rays" at Pinni 47 in Tampere Finland. This exhibition was part of the "Backlight Photo Festival" 2023.

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