Sophie Schoenberg is a female Photographer and visual Artist based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In her work she seeks visual confrontation within herself as a person and the world surrounding.
Sophie does not prefer to put herself into boxes when it comes to her creative process, because she is a very intuitive maker.
However, some fields of her interest currently are in Street Photography, abstraction of her images and one of her more recent discoveries fashion photography.
Closest to her heart are topics such as feminism within the health care system and issues surrounding what it means growing up as a woman.
Besides this she is interested in the different layers of Photography and how it can be a very powerful tool within our society.
She often feels a certain confrontation with how “flat” our visual world and communication has become due to how we consume media. Within her work she wants to challenge this two-dimensional view and adds more physicality to her images by using fabric or making immersive video installations.
Sophie aspires to find connections between her art and the people observing,
by making them part of the experience.